Public Display Of Affection testo



Therefore all to see
Selfcontained lovers
Well did oraly
No run for cover
I´d join in the fun
If I had someone
But it seems so undone
These public displays of affection
Surely your love must be new
I can`t wait for my next rejection
I'm always the first one in queue
Try to hold your soul
when I crush your spirit
Why do I feel so close
when I can't get near it
I'm flooded with fear
and I don't disappear
But I'm still standing here
These public displays of affection
Surely your love must be new
So conscious, so my imperfections
I've never lost interest in you
These public displays of affection
Surely your love must be new
You're natural over-protection
leaves me with nothing to deal
These public displays of affection
Surely your love must be new
I've got no time for reflection
My saviour is long over date